BEnTroS DATE: 5.Jul.97 TIME: 12:31 * G E N E R A L D A T A * Scient. name.....: Leucaena leucocephala Family...........: Fabaceae Plant height.....: 5 Color of flower..: WHITE H a b i t u s: Small, single - or multistemmed tree or shrub with a medium canopy. C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s: Drought tolerant, shade tolerant, salt tolerant (limited), evergreen, fast growing, deep rooting system, N-fixing, on acid soils as well as on alcaline soils, wide pH-range (4,3-8,7), wide precipitation range (300-4100). Wood very hard. Good coppice and pollard ability. R a n g e o f u s e: Important multipurpose tree, pantropical. Main uses: Foddertree, shadetree, green manuring (mulching), windbreak, hedging/living fences; additional uses: Erosion control and soil stabilization. Also used for reforestation in lowlands, where it substitutes Alnus maritima. Fuelwood, now mooted as charcoal source and for energy; N-fixation per ha/year: 500-600 Kg. Young leaves contain Mimosin (4-5 %) which is toxic for cattle (except in Australia); young leaves used as vegetable. L i t r a t u r e: Rehm, S. and Espig, G. 1984; Wenner, C. G. 1980; Lamprecht, H. 1986; Duke, J. 1986; Willis, J.C. 1966; Mansfeld, R. 1986; Puri, S. and Shamet, G. S. 1988; Mabberley, D.J. 1990; Franke, W. 1989; Schultze-Motel, J. 1966; IAT, Universität Göttingen 1994; ICRAF 1990 B I O L O G I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G D A T A Erosion control.....: YES Ground stabilisation: YES Initial regreening..: YES Reforestation.......: YES Hedges/windbreaks...: YES MPTS services.......: YES Agroforestry........: YES Other uses..........: YES * S P E C I A L D A T A * C O M M O N N A M E S Grains de lin Guaje Horse Tamarind Huaxin Ipil Ipil Koa haole Lead Tree L I F E Z O N E S Sm Sw Td Tw R E G I O N S O F D I V E R S I T Y African Region Australian Region Indochinese-Indonesian Region South American Region H A B I T / S I T E degraded soils L I F E S T Y L E shrub tree P R O P A G A T I O N by seed (direct sowing) seedlings stem cuttings U T I L I S A T I O N cuttings fruits leaves multipurpose wood B I O L O G I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G erosion control humid slope stabilization surface soil stabilization C O N S T R U C T I O N S bench brush layer branch mulching brushwood piling tree/shrub planting